Across the sky

She wanted the rain to come. The funeral was done and she felt there should now be rain, but there was none. The world felt ready for rain. It was grey and the air was thick, and there had been a funeral. But the rain did not come. All there was was a wish for rain. She saw her wish hanging in the air in front of her. She had never seen a wish before, and it didn’t look like what she thought a wish would look like. Her wish smiled at her, and as it smiled she started to hum. The smile was like a match that ignited music in her. As she hummed a great wind came and lifted her and started carrying her across the sky. The wind carried her into a cloud and in the cloud raindrops splashed her from all directions. Her wish still hung there in the air in front of her. “You came true,” she said. “But I was always true,” the smiling wish said. “For the rain you wanted was always here.”

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